May 30, 2010

Its Official

Everybody, I'm going to Columbia next year. I'm sending in my deposit this week when the acceptance letter makes it to me, then I have to do a boatload of paperwork for financial aid, registration, health services and housing. Once again, I'm really excited to be going to one of the best dental institutions in the country and to live in New York.


  1. yay!!!!!! congratulations!!!! i've been reading your journey and all i can say is thank you for this. we've definitely showed me that believeing in yourself and never giving up is so important. i hope you have an awesome summer and Good luck in the fall at Columbia!!!!

  2. hey there! i was wondering if I could email you some questions about my personal scenario if you're not busy!! and congratulations!!! you're an inspiration to me and perhaps i, too, can get into dental school!

  3. What was your GPA like?

  4. Yea what is your GPA like?

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